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Burrator, Dartmoor

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Lambing and Bird Breeding Season - 1st March to 31st July

Please keep your dog under control. Sheep and ponies and some cattle are grazed on the commons all year round, but most cattle and some sheep are t Read more...

About Dartmoor Commoners' Council

Dartmoor is an upland region of moorland in the county of Devon, in the southwest of England. It covers approximately 368 square miles, and rises to 621m (2037 ft) above sea level. Underlying the moor is Carboniferous granite, which is visible at the surface as tors - rocky outcrops at the summits of many of the hills.

The Moor was designated a National Park in 1951. Nearly 36000 hectares (88900 acres) of the Park is common land, some 37% of the Park's whole area and more than 75% of its moorland. Importantly, the commons form the heartland of Dartmoor and that vast open space which is the main reason for its National Park status.

Under the Dartmoor Commons Act (1985), the Dartmoor Commoners' Council was established to represent the commoners, make regulations about most matters, which concern the management of the commons and the welfare of the stock de-pastured on the commons, and to enforce the Dartmoor Commoners' Council Regulations.

Zero Tolerance Policy

Our Council Members and support staff have the right to be treated with dignity and respect at all times.  They should be able to carry out their duties and do their jobs without being physically, mentally or verbally abused and this behaviour will not be tolerated.

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